When the time comes in GenYES, to build hardware projects, it is often the most challenging, but fun portion of learning technology.
Computer hardware changes dramatically and just about the time
you have mastered "the next best thing" a new "thing" comes along.
Think about it. Did you even know what a ipad was when you were in grade school? Nope, because it didn't exist. (Well mainstream anyway) Now microcontrollers, app development and coding to the masses are the hot new trends.
So to be in the mix with new developments, consider the versatility of microcontrollers relative to personal computers.
We are going to form teams, shop for parts and develop projects for the spring. Do some significant research.
Open each website below. Think outside the box....
1. PC Popularity
2. How to build a computer from scratch
3. BUY* computer parts: CDW or Troxell
4. Arduino Projects
5. MakerShed Arduino Projects
6. BUY* Arduino Parts: Yourduino
*PVUSD contracted sites. You may only buy parts from these options.
Visit all 5 website links above. Number your blog 1-6. Write one statement about each site. Your statement could be about an item you'd be interested in doing if you find something you like. Or something you learned, like what an IDE or SATA drive is. Or what is a better processor AMD/Intel? Or what an arduino can do. (For 3 and 6, consider and identify one part that you might actually buy specifically for a project and price it out.)
Find your own project. Find a site link on a hardware project, that you would find interesting and that would be useful for the school. Price it out using PVUSD contracted sites. You can put your group together and put this info on your project proposal together do it here:
Proposal If you are doing a project by yourself, use the same form.
Get ready to have your blog entry projected on board for class discussion.
We will discuss this on Monday and Tuesday and you will have time to work on this blog. Your comments and research will be part of classroom discussion. Project proposals on Wednesday.
100 points. Do a good job!