Sunday, February 21, 2016

S6 - Esports


Over the past few years, professional e-sports have blown up. 

At this rate, e-sports will eventually be something that everybody just knows about, like football and basketball. 

As this spreads, schools are starting to create e-sports teams for certain games who compete against other schools. At the moment, there are not many schools that do this yet. However, there are many questions that come up when the idea of school e-sports comes up.

1. Should schools even start having e-sports teams? Do you feel like it would be a good addition to school’s extracurricular activities, or should e-sports just remain separated from school?

2. If e-sports are put into schools, should it be the school’s responsibility to pay for the technology and gear for the e-sports team, or the students who participate? Or should the school just provide decent equipment, and the student could bring a better system if they choose to?

3. Should e-sports be treated like other school sports? For example, should there be things like drug tests, needing good grades to participate, different levels like JV/Varsity, etc.? Should people have to try out for the team? Would there be trainers and coaches?

4. Do you feel like e-sports will be put into schools within the next 5 years? If not, do you think it ever will be added?