Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tech Term Story Jumble!

Below are 40 tech terms that are quite common in various arenas of the tech industry. 

Your challenge this week is:

  1. Pick 3 terms from the chart below and identify clearly in your own words what they mean.

  1. Write a little story and connect how your 3 terms could work together.  Be as crazy as you like, but your story has to make sense based on the correct definition of your terms.  Have some fun with this! 

Check the blog entries before you.  Each term can only be used ONCE!

Click here for clearer image of chart

Tanner, Ian and Emily... you have all earned a “Free Homework Pass.” Congratulations on doing ALL the levels!  Great Job!  You can use your pass this week or another week this semester.  You must send me an email by the Saturday deadline specifying "I'm using my homework pass" to earn the 50 points.