Tale of Car #1
Read and watch both movies
Read and watch the movie
Check out the sub links on safety
1. Comment on how this technology (Car #1) will change the attitudes, the ease or the concept of driving. How does this technology this affect you personally?
Tale of Car #2
Watch the video
Read and watch video
What VW did.
2. Comment on how this technology (Car #2) will change the attitudes, the ease or the concept of driving. How does this technology this affect you personally?
3. Who will win? Car Makers (Car #1) or Car Hackers (Car #2)? Who has the most resources? Do you think Autonomous Car Technology (Self Driving Cars) will be mainstream in all states in the next 2, 5, 10 years? Or never?
4. Yikes! What about flying cars? Why / Why not?