Sunday, May 17, 2015

(S17) Mind Blowing Technology

Ok I just watched "Interstellar" last night.  Mind blowing.  Here's a mind blowing technology idea found from a fellow student: 

Large Hadron Collider

Research Links:      
Official Website         
Hadron sets sights on dark matter?

1.  The Hadron Collider has been the spot of controversy amongst scientists, techs and political leaders alike. What do you think?  Do you think that it is too risky to use? Or is risk worth result?

2. Why is this important? Where do you think this machine will take us in terms of technology and science?

If you really understood what you read, it's mind blowing. (I had to read it twice) And that is real.

3. Now consider all the mind blowing technologies that you see in some movies.  Pick one below (or another POPULAR movie with futuristic technology) and share your perspective about the details of a extraordinary technology concept introduced in the movie.  Is it SciFi forever or potentially real?  Discuss if:     It can never be real because...  or It could be real if....