Monday, April 4, 2016

S10 Technology Effects on Human Evolution

How Has Technology Affected Human Evolution?


Give three examples 
of how technology has affected human evolution 
based on what you read and watched.


  1. 1. More technology can be a huge negativity on the human race because more technology have us being lazy to say. I would think that we would now think about the little items batter or loading something but many times we don’t think about the past with all this severe pandemic diseases or wars, at the expense of great motility.

    2. The process of evolution has been slowing down because that we haven’t survive as hard anymore with the technology at our fingertips and we can talk with people with Skype or others in many ways technology has enabled us to strengthen relationships by keeping in contact with old friends, colleagues, and co-workers. What would we do if we could not find old friends from high school through Facebook? Technology has even provided opportunities for students all over the world to receive an education online, while still maintaining work schedules and family. Students are now able to take webinar courses and attain their degree online.

    3. But we see that technology will be big the future but it's big now because we have people creating robots that look like humans and so many that I can’t describe any more because Let’s use our imagination a bit. If the internet, mobile devices, and games were taken away from us, how would we feel? I know many of us would feel like a part of our life is missing due to technology now being a necessity in our everyday life. However, the big question is, does technology take away from interpersonal communication and interactions with our co-workers, peers, and colleagues. We may not realize it, but in my opinion, being dependent upon technology has only conditioned us to become less social, interactive, and outgoing.

  2. 1. The human race is slowing evolution on their own, we are making technological advances in many aspects, removing the factors that would kill off traits, therefore slowing natural selection, for example, somebody born with a heart disease would die naturally without technology, keeping his genes from being passed on, But with technology we can "fix" his disorder or at least keep him from dying, allowing him to mate and carry his genes on to his children and grandchildren. Knowing we are stopping Natural selection, we are making artificial selection with our technology.

    2. Technology is stopping natural selection, however it is still affecting each generation to come, by exposing them to the ability to travel anywhere they want, talking to anyone they want, it is causing artificial selection, from Michio Kaku's "mankind has stopped evolution" he states that we will look the same in a few hundred years.

    3. Technology has made life easier and more luxurious, allowing us to have easy ways to communicate with people all the way across the planet, or even allowing us to travel there, the human race is changing through artificial selection, brought on by our own creations.

  3. 1.) technology has affected humans by making them try to do everything with technology when that is not the case we could probably get further by not using technology for everything. WE (HUMANS) are at a standing point for doing anything of importance because we think technology is the answer to every thing when its not if we would realize that we could be making history.

    2.) I personally think using technology for every thing is bad because it makes us want to make robots and modify genes when it won't be like that when we are great great grand fathers and mothers and maybe then we will just be getting somewhere and then we might actually be able to do something just maybe but there is a small chance that stuff like that will happen.

    3.) When I was 11 and I had the highest amount of creativity I will ever have i thought that i could do stuff people only dreamed of I was excited up until a year ago when i realized that I couldn't do that because we haven't made the technology to even be able to slightly do something like that and we wont be able to until we do crazy stuff like break what we know as physics.

  4. 1) One example of how technology has affected human evolution is our need for things to come quickly to us. Whether it be a test score, a package or experience in a game, this generation continues to demand item as faster and faster speeds. A good example of this is Amazon. Originally, they had the default 5-7 day delivery speed and people liked that. Then, they released 2-day Prime shipping, which costs money to get. While this may seem insane to others, those born into technology fell right into the trap. Now, Amazon is doing Prime Now, where products can get there in a matter of hours and people are ordering, either not caring or noticing the tip added on because of this service. Regardless of this, people continue to order and order and expect it at the blink of an eye. Another instance of this is video games like Call of Duty. When those games comes out, there are people that play the game non-stop for a week and beat the campaign as well as completely prestige through the whole game. In a week, they beat a game that should take multiple months, if not a year. But we demand immediate satisfaction which is why they have little rewards when you level up or prestige.

    Another example of how technology has affected human evolution is the genes that we are currently suppressing an inhibitor in mice. A lab in Switzerland called École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is currently able to make stronger mice by suppressing the NCoR1 gene. From current testing, the result has been improved muscle density, greater muscle growth and larger amount of mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell). While it is uncertain if we could do this to humans, the whole idea of gene manipulation shows how we are trying to make ourselves stronger than currently possible. This type of modification, while somewhat against what nature has given us, isn’t terrible unethical since we are inhibiting unhelpful genes to enhance other ones. We just have to be careful not to mess around with it too much.

    A final example of how technology has affected human evolution is by stopping the bigger changes in evolution and just having smaller ones. As Michio Kaku talks about in his video, back when Earth wasn’t full of technology, you either learned to survive and pass your genes on or you died. Now, human have relatively less dangers than before. We no longer have to worry as much about animals attacking us or not having food, water and shelter as there are now places, whether it be your home, a friends’ or a shelter, that protect us. Also, the modernization in cities has pushed animals off their land and forced them to move or adapt. While big evolutionary changes have practically stopped, small evolutionary changes are still possible as automobiles, planes, and boats allow humans to travel around the world and spread their genes everywhere they please.

  5. 1. Technology has made many changes to the way humans act by making them socialize in real life less and use their phone more. People have evolved to use technology to hide themselves during social situations using phones, tablets, etc. In a majority of conversations people have with friends some people decide to use their phones instead of listening or engaging in the conversation. They almost use it as a way out of boring conversation and it is almost like a wall that they put up.

    2. We have also made exoskeletons to help those who cannot walk or to use in the military. These allow humans to actually exceed their limits as a human by adding a system to their body that makes it stronger and helps it move even more. Usually exoskeletons are used on the legs, in the military they are starting to use them because many soldiers have to walk/run great distances with large backpacks. This not only helps them carry the weight of the backpack, but it takes a great deal of stress from their bodies. They also use these for rehabilitation for people who cannot walk and it helps their body remember and re-learn how to walk.

    3. We also have the google glass which is not entirely complete, but it definitely can make a change. These would allow us to understand languages that we have never spoke before, it can keep all the information of what has happened when you had them on that day, and even find meaningful information about what is in your peripheral vision. We would be much more aware of our surrounding, but I’m not sure if all this actually counts as “human evolution” since it is really not humans doing the evolving but the technology.

  6. 1. I have many friends out of the town, and if it were not for phones and other communication tools, I would have lost connections with many important family members and friends.
    2. For people who are sick or disabled, technology like medicine and prosthetic limbs are a godsend. Even normal, healthy people can benefit from transhumanism, or using technology to directly supplement human ability.
    3. Technology can not further or hinder evolution, because developing technology is another part of being human and adapting to our environment. As ravens use sticks to fetch out bugs and primates form tools, humans form technology that becomes a part of our lifestyle, a lifestyle that focuses less on surviving and more on living.

  7. 1.Ever since technology was made it has improved our lives and how keep in touch with friends and family but that was just the beginning we started with the relay as the first devices and inspired others to make improvements. The technology has made our lives more convenient and comfortable

    2. Science and technology doesn’t slow down human evolution it advances in medical, sports, and etc. the advancement of technology is moving so fast and improving on all field

    3.mankind has not stop evolving the way look will stay the same but the way we think will continue to advance in our evolution because our brain is the only one that is evolving

  8. 1. Michio Kaku brings up the point that our evolution is not going to advance in any major ways, like bigger eyes, for at least a very long time. We have already developed larger brains and bodies that are more convenient for our modern day. Evolution also takes an enormous amount of time to actually affect us as humans physically.

    2. The third link from Quora pointed out that technology may be hindering our evolution because of the things we did in the past but don't have to fight for now. One of the answers emphasized that evolution has never stopped, but may have slowed down a bit for us.

    3. Maybe not biologically or evolutionary, but we could advance our species artificially. I would not be surprised if that happens in the next few decades, as science is advancing quicker and quicker. The trick is that we would slow but sure change a gene in a child as an infant that can be resistance to hereditary diseases.

  9. 1. I think the most significant example of how we have evolved-thanks to technology-is the medical industry. The technology we have today compared to one hundred years ago is literally the difference between life and death. We have so many treatments for so many diseases and we find new treatments everyday.

    2. Development for exoskeletons is under way, hoping to create technology that can physically enhance and restore the human body. This technology is accelerating the evolution of the physical body and restoring the bodies of the disabled.

    3. THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY HAS ON OUR DAILY LIVES, talks about how certain technology is devolving us. Specifically cellphones and how they have suppressed vocal contact between humans. However I do not think this is devolving us, if anything it is enhancing our communication skills.

  10. 1. I think the most significant example of how we have evolved-thanks to technology-is the medical industry. The technology we have today compared to one hundred years ago is literally the difference between life and death. We have so many treatments for so many diseases and we find new treatments everyday.

    2. Development for exoskeletons is under way, hoping to create technology that can physically enhance and restore the human body. This technology is accelerating the evolution of the physical body and restoring the bodies of the disabled.

    3. THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY HAS ON OUR DAILY LIVES, talks about how certain technology is devolving us. Specifically cellphones and how they have suppressed vocal contact between humans. However I do not think this is devolving us, if anything it is enhancing our communication skills.

  11. 1. Technology helps people communicate with people from other parts of the world messages back then would take many months to reach the other side of the world.

    2. Technology has also removed a lot of factors of natural selection because there have been a lot of medical advances in recent years also people live a lot longer than they used to the average is 85 the average back than was 30 dude so ya humans live a lot longer now. Human evolution has also slowed down since people with weak genes are surviving and passing on genes.

    3. There are not many strains on humans anymore so there its easier to spread genes there are no more isolated populations so humans are not advancing as quickly as they were before humans are not going to have big brains like we thought we could.

  12. 1. Technology helps people communicate with people from other parts of the world messages back then would take many months to reach the other side of the world.

    2. Technology has also removed a lot of factors of natural selection because there have been a lot of medical advances in recent years also people live a lot longer than they used to the average is 85 the average back than was 30 dude so ya humans live a lot longer now. Human evolution has also slowed down since people with weak genes are surviving and passing on genes.

    3. There are not many strains on humans anymore so there its easier to spread genes there are no more isolated populations so humans are not advancing as quickly as they were before humans are not going to have big brains like we thought we could.

  13. 1. One reason human evolution is being stopped by technology is because pretty much anyone is able to reproduce and people aren’t generally dying because they have unfavorable traits, which is how people evolve. Generally, favorable traits allow organisms to live longer and reproduce more, which passes on those favorable traits. However, since any human which lives to a reasonable age is able to reproduce, not only the favorable traits get passed on, but any trait which isn’t completely debilitating gets passed on to the next generation.

    2. A long time ago, when we didn’t have huge cities to live in, when we lived in dangerous environments like forests, we would need to fend for our lives, as it was much easier to be killed than living in a huge city with lots of medical aid easily available. Because of needing to be able to fend for yourself, people developed and evolved to have skills that aided survival without medical aid or technology. Now, people don’t need to evolve those skills, so we have pretty much lost them.

    3. Evolution is still happening even though most people are able to reproduce, however. Every time a baby is born, they have certain traits which have evolved, starting with the first organisms, the first primates that we evolved from. And we are still evolving, however evolution happens over millions and millions of years so it will never be obvious to any of us in our lifetime that evolution is happening. Also, random mutations happen which pass on traits over generations, which is another evolution that having technology allows.

  14. 1.The first example of how technology has affected our evolution is the most direct. We are able to slightly change our genes and the genes of other creatures little at a time, giving us some form of direct control over the process of evolution.

    2. The most predominant way technology affects evolution is, when we were a young species, there was a large pressure for us to develop new traits, like a larger brain or the ability to use tool to survive in the world. This made us rapidly evolve into what we are today. Technology drastically lowers the pressure of survival through traits, as most survival needs are widely available to most people, discontinuing the need for favorable new traits.

    3. Another way technology affects evolution is the lower death rate of people. The main driving force of evolution is natural selection, the process of the weaker dieing off in a species. With technology today, more people are able to live for longer, regardless of their physical traits.

  15. 1. Technology has affected humans significantly in the past few years. Now you can wear an exo suit to make you way stronger than you could imagine, because of technology.

    2. When i read “How Technology May Be Influencing Human Evolution” I was amazed that You can become smarter than ever now, because you can access information whenever and wherever you want nowadays.

    3. After I read “THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY HAS ON OUR DAILY LIVES” I noticed that is was true. Now we are dependent on technology as if we were always going to have it. Without tech we would be helpless, we wouldn’t know what to do.

  16. 1. Technology has affected humans significantly in the past few years. Now you can wear an exo suit to make you way stronger than you could imagine, because of technology.

    2. When i read “How Technology May Be Influencing Human Evolution” I was amazed that You can become smarter than ever now, because you can access information whenever and wherever you want nowadays.

    3. After I read “THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY HAS ON OUR DAILY LIVES” I noticed that is was true. Now we are dependent on technology as if we were always going to have it. Without tech we would be helpless, we wouldn’t know what to do.

  17. 1.) The Lockheed Martin Human Universal Load Carrier, or HULC, very aptly named, can cause people to do things that would otherwise be next to superhuman without extensive training, as it allows the user to lift up to 200 pounds of weight while also amplifying the user’s speed, allowing them to run at 10 miles per hour. This would really make it easy for more people to be able to accomplish tasks that would otherwise be impossible for them alone.
    2.) One of the biggest things would be communication, as with email and other such text based messaging, we can talk to each other regardless of circumstances so long as the message is sent, and in that way we can talk to people all over the world, and have it be translated from one language to another so that two people from different sides can effectively interact. Google Glass however allows it to go a small step further by allowing a person to communicate in a different language in person, rather than through the screen.
    3.) In some ways it seems to be argued that the evolution of people is and is not really affected largely by technology, and one of the topics where this is shown would be in medical fields. It was said that because we have better medicines nowadays, we have less of the pathogens going around compared to the past, we are somewhat weaker in immune systems, though we also have less of any really terrible disease like the Black Plague around so it maintains a bit of balance. Also it was said by Al-Rodhan, who is a huge researcher in the field of Transhumanism, that modifying our emotions will reduce the natural instincts that was built up generation after generation, which wouldn’t be very good in the best cases.

  18. 1. One way in which technology is affecting evolution is by creating the ability for humans to improve themselves, known as transhumanism. Humans have always thought about bettering themselves, even back to ancient greek times. An example is the story of Icarus and Daedalus, who constructed wings so that they might take to the skies like a bird, and escape from imprisonment in Crete. Even though humans have always wanted to improve themselves, it was not until awesome technology came around that we were actually able to. This ability to improve ourselves is helping us evolve into longer living, stronger people.
    2. Another view is that technology is actually slowing down evolution. Some people believe that technology does not let natural selection do its thing. We now have the ability to cure a lot of diseases that used to cause certain death. The fact that the people who get this diseases and survive pass down their genes, and people will continue to get the disease in the future. Technology also allows stupid people to survive their stupid activities, letting the stupid genes pass on to the next generations. If we do not allow natural selection to do its thing, evolution of the human race could almost stop all together.
    3. A third way in which technology affects human evolution is by evolving our social skills. With all the technology and social media we have now, people are starting to talk face-to-face less and less. This is affecting how well we are able communicate with each other. Our generation is the first generation where you can actually see the effect technology has had on our social skills. Many people are much more shy and much more socially awkward than people used to be. Much of my generation spends their time all day inside on the internet and playing games, only interacting over text and typing. This has a huge affect on their ability to act normal in public, and people talk less and are less friendly than they used to be.

  19. 1. One way humans technology has affected humans is that now most people are dependent on technology. In the article "THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY HAS ON OUR DAILY LIVES" It shows how we use are phone to get out of talking to people and that we do this without even realizing it. This can cause us to lose social skills like talking face to face.

    2. Another way that technology has effected humans is that it has allowed for more interaction with people from different places. With technology someone from the U.S can talk to someone from France or Canada. This allowed for friendships that could never happen without technology. So in a way technology also allows for people to find and make friends.

    3. Another way technology is effecting humans is it is allowing people that can't walk to walk again. With exo-skeletons humans that can't walk are able to start walking. In the article "How Technology May Be Influencing Human Evolution" they explain how exo-skeletons can also help solders with carrying heavy items. This will allow humans to carry more and will allow opportunities for people who can't walk to be able to.

  20. 1. The hydraulic-powered exoskeleton is an example of how humans are affected by technology. It allows people to carry weights of up to 200 pounds whilst running at a top-speed of 10 miles per hour for extended durations.

    2. In many ways technology has enabled us to strengthen relationships by keeping in contact with old friends, colleagues, and co-workers. This is good because it means that more people can meet and that can be good for a person to meet new people.

    3. Medicine has also affected human evolution because it affects our bodies and how we grow. It helps us adapt to our surroundings and our environment. For example: allergy medication. It helps people adapt to the things that their bodies cannot handle or take in.

  21. 1. One example of how technology has affected human evolution is the Human Universal Load Carrier. The HULC is an invention that will allow soldiers to carry much more weight with fast running speed for long periods of time. While this was possible before without the technology, not nearly as many people were capable of performing the task. Now, when the HULC is used, anyone able to use it will become capable of performing such high endurance tasks that they were too weak to perform before. While this seems helpful, it may end up causing people to become much weaker in nature since they can just depend on the technology to help them, not their own abilities and strength.

    2. Another example of technology that has affected human evolution is the use of gene therapy. This is an experimental treatment at the moment, but it allows doctors to actually alter someone’s genes in order to benefit them. This means that technology is allowing people to actually create superhumans, or people who have no flaws. While it is still experimental, new discoveries are being made that are giving scientists a much better look at what we can do. Eventually, there will be no diseases that people cannot get rid of because the genes of somebody are the basic building blocks of who they are and what they are capable of doing.

    3. While technology allows us to to stuff that we could never do with our own abilities, such as communicate with others across the world in an instant, it is not necessarily making people better. It is almost like the technology is just an aid to us. Once the technology is taken away, we will be helpless without it because the technology does not give us new strengths that we can do on our own. Technology actually sort of makes us weaker. If every single technological device was taken away, people would not be able to survive. People live off of technology, and this makes us stronger and much more susceptible to failing at the same time.

  22. 1) I think the technology has made us far more weaker than our primitive ancestor, as the survival of fittest doesnt apply anymore as we have new medicines coming out, to counter the new diseases. So we dont get enough reasons to evolve (as we cant control the evolution), we are depending on technology to help us fight the diseases instead of nature to do it. I get it that some diseases cant be cure naturally, but the ones like a simple cold, fever; I think we can our body have adapted so it can heal/cure some minor diseases.

    2) After reading an article Technology May Be Influencing Human Evolution I found the example of Lockheed Martin's Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC). This allows even a skinny person to carry up to 90 kg, which will not allow his body evolve as he is getting the technology to help with it. Like if he would have that exo skeleton his body would have develop and adapt to carry.

    3) Technology have made us more apart for example like facebook, we ask our friends to chat instead of meeting or chatting in person. while it also can useful to chat to relatives which are living outide the country.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 1. Technology doesn't necessarily have a direct impact on evolution. It's more of what we do with it. Evolution in general is a species evolving or adapting to their environment which mostly happens when we create offspring. So of course this only happens when two people come together. Now the thing about technology which is probably the most controversial topic is that technology stops people from communicating. Now this is true but only to an extent. When people are right next to each other and they choose to go on their phones or whatever instead of talk to each other than this can negatively impact evolution Now on the other hand technology helps people communicate when they are really far away or you can meet new people. Now this has a huge positive impact on evolution for the human race. Communication is key to evolution.

    2. Survival of the fittest doesn't necessarily count anymore to the human race. Technology has greatly impacted our lifespans with medicine. In the past people would be considered old if they lived to their thirties but now we live up to our hundreds. In the past, the human population would be kept in check by diseases. The black plague, the Spanish influenza, etc. Technology not only helps us develop medicine but also can make sure viruses don't come up and even if they do, we will be able to see how to make a cure.

    3. Humans have always been urged to become more than what we are. Were always trying to improve ourselves, however possible. Through means of strength, intelligence, or maybe something else. Right now people are using technology to fix their bodies if they are hurt or maybe to get a prosthetic leg. We also build things to help us by means of transportation or building buildings. we use cars so we can go faster to our destination. We use cranes to lift heavy things for us. We use the internet to discover things we may have not known. Technology doesn't affect human evolution. It's how we use technology that affects human evolution.

  25. 1) Technology has affected our evolution, a person can’t go a day without their phone. Its quite sad. With that stated, people have just become more lazy stated here, “Let’s use our imagination a bit. If the internet, mobile devices, and games were taken away from us, how would we feel? I know many of us would feel like a part of our life is missing due to technology now being a necessity in our everyday life. However, the big question is, does technology take away from interpersonal communication and interactions with our co-workers, peers, and colleagues. How many of you have rather talked to someone through text messaging, email, or social media to avoid a face to face communication? We may not realize it, but in my opinion, being dependent upon technology has only conditioned us to become less social, interactive, and outgoing.”, which is very true. Technology has already done 1 major negative impact.
    2) Certain technology have been advancing in medicine and entertainment. “Technologies and medicines that address these limitations are constantly being released, developed, and improved upon. More and more enhancement supplements or drugs are hitting the shelves of stores, and are being prescribed by doctors. But what does this mean for our society- are we all heading towards becoming more than human?” if we are heading towards “more than human”, doesn't that mean we're not humans? Transhumanism sounds like something straight from a fictional movie or show. It sounds too real to be true.
    3) Technology should be used to help people, not to make them lazy “Human-enhancing technologies tend to be grouped under the all-encompassing term ‘Human Enhancing Technologies’. These do not refer to technologies and tools that treat illness and disabilities, but rather enhance our physical and cognitive abilities past what is realistically biologically possible.” That sounds quite like a fantasy. If technology should be advanced, humans should start off by helping others with disabilities first, then advance themselves. The human instinct is to help people, what's the point in advancing further if other humans are physically disable.

  26. 1. I think technology takes a big hit in Human Evolution because I feel that Humans are starting well not getting lazier because technology has grown bigger than before and that could affect as us as Human as not to do much. I give you an example they said in california they are going to raise minimum wage to 15$ a hour at McDonalds well if they do there said they are going to replace co-workers as robots to do the work cause it could cause inflation and that's bad.

    2. Well I think technology is somewhat bad cause lots of people today are glued eyes on their cellphone and parents and teachers don’t like that and I do agree with it cause a cellphone is not going to make your life any better than yourself. I just realize people wouldn't do what they do in their lives.

    3. Technology has made life a little easier and more luxurious wouldn't say that, allowing us to have easy ways to communicate with other people and have access way across the planet, or even allowing us to travel there, the human race is changing through artificial selection, brought on by our own creations and ideas.

  27. 1. Humans always have been an interesting sort by inventing new things, thanks to humanity's inventing we have evolved. From fire to NanoTechnology, This is all a form of technology so thanks to technology we have evolved from copper to iron that's new technology, neck isn't the advanced stuff tech is the creation of items greater for that era, at one point a simple lightbulb was an advanced luxury that not many could have at their time, Cannons were advanced and we have hand cannons nowadays.
    2. But due to the greatness of technology it also has hurt us, Nuclear bombs, weapons of mass destruction, a simple phone, computers that can understand us, it is said that most people predict that we will be the end of ourselves as in like we will end up extincting ourselves.
    3.The final way it has affected us is connected us through a different means, I get to make and talk to friends all the way in canada and in germany and in france things most people don't get to do during the 1800s technology has advanced and changed so much. Humans have a bright future ahead of us, but with light comes darkness.

  28. 1. The first way technology has affected humans is through getting things done way faster and more efficiently then before. An example of this is washing and drying your clothes, and cleaning your dishes through a dish washer instead of manually. Both of these things have benefited people largely in many ways. One of the ways is that there using there time to work on other things besides washing clothes and dishes, and there letting these machines do them for them and fast.

    2. Another example of how technology has affected humans is through communication. Mixing technology with communication was definitely the best advances in technology in my personal opinion. Its always been hard for humans to communicate until the past years where devices like cell phones and computers were created, and along with computers advanced apps such as skype, kik, and other apps involving communication through one another. These devices have benefited us as the human race largely, making it easy to communicate with relatives living in another area, or even communication with people across the world and learning about there cultures and how they live overall

    3. My last example of how technology has affected and overall advanced the human race is through transportation. Although there has always been decent ways to transport without technology, the way people can transport now because of it is so much more efficient and saves so many more lives. Most people know about how transporting worked 100s or so years ago, it was either by boat or carrages/horse. And although I don't know much about this, I do know many people died from trying to move because of the long trips. Transportation now has evolved so much more through technology, such as a car to a plane. These vehicles made transport across the world a thousand times faster, and I'm not exxagerating. Going through the united states in a carriage and across the ocean to Europe used to take months or even years. Now its so much easier because of technology, the estimated speed a horse carriage would travel on average was 5-8mph. Now we have cars the average at 60mph when traveling, and planes that can go up to 300mph.

  29. Evolution throughout history has been an organisms adaptability to their environment, but with recent technologies we have instead made our environment adapt to us. We have not stopped in our evolution, technology is just a way for us to further advance in a different direction. Another reason is because our modern medicine makes it possible for people with rare diseases and mutation to survive in the world.

    We have, however, become completely dependent on technology. The world couldn't work without internet or cell service, we would feel completely caved in and helpless. Society today has become so dependent on these technologies, that it could barely function without them. Yes, we have become somewhat more social with all of these ways to communicate with each other and meet new people, but if we were stripped of these privileges we would, as a whole, be more anti-social.

    I kind of disagree with Michio Kaku. Yes, our evolution has been slowed with the invention of recent technologies making it unnecessary for us to evolve, but nothing is going to stop that. Mankind has been seriously slowed down due to these technological developments so that we can survive longer even though we have a rare disease, we have seen man change in the years, but more subtly. One way that we are actually advancing is with our use of technology to create robots that do things for us instead, I see us actually evolving to be more practical problem solvers.

  30. 1.) Evolution is just a organism getting a random mutation and that mutation ends up helping them more in their environment to survive. An example would be a giraffe, a giraffe used to be the size of a pony and had a short neck. Over the years and a lot of years it made the giraffe have a long neck. Was it because of the long trees? No. It was a random mutation that made it have a longer neck. Since the ones with longer necks have long necks and could reach the trees they could eat more and reproduce more. While the other giraffes had to wait for leaves to fall or eat something else.
    2.) In the example with the giraffes natural selection has happened. Since the giraffes had longer necks and could survive longer because they could eat more the other giraffes with short necks died out. We as humans have gotten rid of the natural selection process. Well in a lot of places it still happens but most of the world we got rid of it for humans. Technology like guns, swords, and other weapons have aided us in defending our selves. Not from us (even though we used a lot of those for fighting our selves) we use those to defend or attack animals. We have no natural predator besides virus and bacteria which we are working on to get rid of those to!
    3.) You can't stop the evolution process. Since when an organism evolves its because it gets a random mutation and the mutation benefits the organism. It takes millions of years to evolve and yeah we probably did slow it down because we got rid of the natural selection process.

  31. 1.) Evolution is just a organism getting a random mutation and that mutation ends up helping them more in their environment to survive. An example would be a giraffe, a giraffe used to be the size of a pony and had a short neck. Over the years and a lot of years it made the giraffe have a long neck. Was it because of the long trees? No. It was a random mutation that made it have a longer neck. Since the ones with longer necks have long necks and could reach the trees they could eat more and reproduce more. While the other giraffes had to wait for leaves to fall or eat something else.
    2.) In the example with the giraffes natural selection has happened. Since the giraffes had longer necks and could survive longer because they could eat more the other giraffes with short necks died out. We as humans have gotten rid of the natural selection process. Well in a lot of places it still happens but most of the world we got rid of it for humans. Technology like guns, swords, and other weapons have aided us in defending our selves. Not from us (even though we used a lot of those for fighting our selves) we use those to defend or attack animals. We have no natural predator besides virus and bacteria which we are working on to get rid of those to!
    3.) You can't stop the evolution process. Since when an organism evolves its because it gets a random mutation and the mutation benefits the organism. It takes millions of years to evolve and yeah we probably did slow it down because we got rid of the natural selection process.

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