Sunday, March 27, 2016

S9 Social Media

Weighing in on Social Media

1. Each year more social media platforms are created.  Some become wildly popular.  Which social media sites do you think are cool or have unique features that are trending now?  Or do you dislike the new social media venues?  Like / dislike social media in general?   BEFORE you answer open the link above.  Read.  Then informally cite information that you read* along with your personal opinions. 

2. What is one downside (bad thing) about social media, other than privacy breach?  (Think beyond the obvious answer here)

3. What is one attribute (good thing) about social media, other than just the ability to share events? (Think beyond the obvious answer here)

4. What social media do you engage in?  How often? 

*Note:  Informally cite like this:  From the article "5 Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom"  that I read I discovered ...


  1. 1.)I feel that Snapchat is a good app to use with some really nice features like posting pictures and having your friends immediately, also being able to face time and send photos to your friends instantaneously. But in a weird way i dont really like social media because its such a distraction from what is right in front of you, that being your family you may be with or friends that you hang out with.
    2.)An obvious downside to staying on social media heavy is face to face interaction, and its also one of the easiest ways to bully someone. Because now you can easily say whatever you want and not think about any consequences or possible outcomes of what you said to that person.
    3.)Social media is not only a good way for you to keep in touch with your friends and family but its also a good tool for colleges to reach out to students to recruit them into their campus, also its a good tool for senior citizens to connect with the rest of the community.
    4.) I try to limit the social media i use, for example i have a messenger and snapchat, but Im not heavily involved with other social media sources like instagram and twitter because over time it becomes an addiction then thats all you care about is who and what is on your social media page so i try to have some self control and really engage in the moment of the situation instead of posting every move i do.

  2. 1.)I feel that Snapchat is a good app to use with some really nice features like posting pictures and having your friends immediately, also being able to face time and send photos to your friends instantaneously. But in a weird way i dont really like social media because its such a distraction from what is right in front of you, that being your family you may be with or friends that you hang out with.
    2.)An obvious downside to staying on social media heavy is face to face interaction, and its also one of the easiest ways to bully someone. Because now you can easily say whatever you want and not think about any consequences or possible outcomes of what you said to that person.
    3.)Social media is not only a good way for you to keep in touch with your friends and family but its also a good tool for colleges to reach out to students to recruit them into their campus, also its a good tool for senior citizens to connect with the rest of the community.
    4.) I try to limit the social media i use, for example i have a messenger and snapchat, but Im not heavily involved with other social media sources like instagram and twitter because over time it becomes an addiction then thats all you care about is who and what is on your social media page so i try to have some self control and really engage in the moment of the situation instead of posting every move i do.

  3. 1) I think that right now the best and most unique social media sites are Reddit and YouTube. I have not really used any other platforms so I can not really say that I dislike any.

    2) One downside to social media would be the mixture of opinions that can be found. Most people use social media because you can easily find people all over the world that share similar opinions and ideas. This can be interpreted as a good thing but social media makes debate very black and white with the lack of tone and detail that many messages and posts have. This is a recipe for disaster, for example on dating sites( or any other social media), when people decide to meet up in person, they can find that the person is completely different in real life.

    3) One good thing about social media is the ability to view so many different viewpoints from just your computer, which shapes your own opinions differently that without social media, as you are confined to small circles of family and friends that are more likely to share opinions.

    4) I engage in Reddit and YouTube most often because I like the amount of entertainment that is available for free and being able to be active in online discussions. I check Reddit at least once a day for a few minutes while I pend most of my free time traversing through YouTube.

  4. 1. I Believe that some of the most trending social media programs are Snapchat, Ifunny, Vine and Most definitely YouTube, I use all of these to talk with my friends and to spend my spare time, There are others i cannot say i dislike because i haven't had any experience with it them

    2.Some bad things about social media is the increase of bullying, or fights about beliefs as TacoOfTheTuesday said there is a mixture of opinions and as you can find people with similar beliefs, there is bound to be people that think the exact opposite and will go to large lengths to prove you wrong. And bullying, people get 10x more vulgar and rude online, because they don't have to say those things to peoples faces.

    3. A few good things about social media is that you can meet people with similar beliefs, state you opinions, talk to freinds that may live miles away with similar beliefs, Personally I use social media to chat with friends with similar beliefs that live quite a ways away.

    4. let me pick some out of the many social media programs i use, I use Steam, for games and occasionally to talk with friends, Snapchat Youtube and ifunny I use youtube, ifunny and sometimes snapchat to keep my entertained , i use Snapchat and a few other programs to talk with friends. And i use them quite often, It just depends on the day.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. I dislike social media because it has so many bad thing to it one of them is Social media aids the spread of hate groups and made many people die at time and it’s just harsh and another one is Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes and this can have a idea to many kids in life to try it.

    2. Well the downside to social media is Social networking sites facilitate cyberbullying. 49.5% of students reported being the victims of bullying online and 33.7% reported committing bullying behavior online. 800,000 minors were harassed or cyber bullied on Facebook according to a June 2012 and that makes many people to die kill there self in those time in life. Another one is Social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information. 49.1% of people have heard false news via social media. On Sep. 5, 2012 false rumors of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb spread via Twitter and Facebook caused panic, flooded the local police department with over 3,000 phone calls, and temporarily closed schools.

    3. Well the good things to social media is Social media sites help employers find employees and job-seekers find work. 64% of companies are on two or more social networks for recruiting because of the wider pool of applicants and more efficient searching capabilities and they have easy time then walking outside and finding a job. Another one would be Social media helps empower business women. Being able to connect on social networking sites gives business women a support group not readily found offline where female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are outnumbered by male CEOs 15 to 485. Many social media sites are dominated by women: 72% of Pinterest users are women, 58% of Facebook users, 62% of MySpace users, 60% of Yelp users, and 53% of Instagram users.

    4. What social media i use well I use facebook a little bit because I like to talk to friend in real life than in cyber life. I use facebook a little bit at time.

  7. 1.) I’m not exactly all that much into social media stuff, I just don’t exactly see the reason why I would need to update everyone on the day to day stuff in my life, no real need for people to know what I do, nor should they really care. Apparently businesses can be fined as well if customers say misleading comments, which was stated in the “Pros and Cons of Social Media” article, which kind of surprised me as I’d not think that an entire business would get fined over one person’s comment.
    2.) One downside that applies to businesses as mentioned above is the entire business getting fined over one random person making a misleading comment, but it also has other negative effects that can potentially crash a business, such as an increased attraction of risks.
    3.) Again another business related one, and that would be that a business could easily spread their name across the world, which would help them bring in more customers and get them in a good light.
    4.) I currently have a Facebook, but I only log in perhaps once a month or something, if even that often, as I said in the first point, I don’t entirely see any reason why people should know of my life daily, although I don’t even post anything so there’s also that. However I am somewhat content with staying in the dark where people are concerned, though in some cases I will make some exceptions. I usually check youtube quite often, though since the channel I mainly watch isn’t uploading as often anymore, even that has been taken down to checking infrequently. I also have Skype, though it’s not exactly useful because I do nothing with what few friends I actually do have left, which is probably about 2-5 or something like that, maybe 3, and with those it's mainly restricted to in school interactions.

  8. S9 Social Media

    1) I personally think that some social media like Snapchat and Tumblr are good because you can talk to the people you want and follow the people you want with privacy the way you want. One part that deters me from most is in the article “10 PROS AND CONS OF SOCIAL MEDIA”. It takes away from your productivity. I know many people that procrastinate a ton of work because they waste so much time on these medias. The only positive part of it is that it allows you to follow what you like and for businesses, like the article “Pros and Cons of social media” said, it allows for easy free advertising.

    2) My biggest issue with social media is that it is solely used to distract you from your work and pay money. It gives you notifications not to keep you updated but to keep you on the website. This leads to the next problem. Some social media websites like Facebook have games and apps that are ‘free’ but you have the ability to buy coins or other currency to make the game go faster and to level up faster. This kind of garbage is detracting for me because I like playing games but don’t want to pay to make myself better. From there, it turns from a game into a payment system. Another part of social media that I hate is the illusion of these ‘friend’ systems. The goal no longer is to keep in contact with people. The goal has now become ‘Who has the most friends?’. I don’t like that it became a game, making people into nothing more than a number to show off.

    3) The only benefit I really see is continuing to connect with friends if you aren’t going to school with them or if you move away. Even with that, I’m still not a big proponent of social media. Even with that kind of communication, some of my older friends have drifted away. The friends I continue to talk to gave me their phone number so I could text them, which is overall better than social media.

    4) I engage in Snapchat and Tumblr which I go into a couple times a day. I have a Facebook and Twitter which I rarely go on.

  9. 1. I like Discord, It's very similar to TeamSpeak. Both use voice chat channels, that are constantly running and anyone allowed in can join whenever they want. It's somewhat like a constantly running Skype call. Also I can send Gifs that play automatically in chat, so that's cool. I have an Instagram and Twitter and I never touch them. All in all social media doesn't seem very bad, there is just bad people on it.

    2. Obviously the internet has negative people on it. And if you are not smart it's really easy to get involved with these people on the internet, and it can be VERY dangerous. As long as you are conscious of what you are posting and sharing with whomever, you will be fine.

    3. Social media is perfect for connecting and sharing things with people far away. I do not really share anything with distant friends, more of just send my school friends funny gifs. But I think that is great.

    4. I use Skype every day, I have it on my computer and my phone. I use to to message my friends, share videos and pictures. I don't really use any other social media seriously.

  10. 1.) I opened the link and started reading, but all I saw were titles of articles. There were a few pictures that were informative in the images section, but on the web all it was were links to articles.

    However, Snapchat seems to be trending the most right now. Tons of kids are using it more and more. I don't really dislike social media, but there are some downsides to them that can be obnoxious. But I do like it as a way to connect with people in a way you wouldn't normally.

    2.) Social media can absorb people, and make them feel obligated to constantly use it. It can also be used as a way for creepy people to stalk you.

    3.) It can also be used as a way to connect with friends and family easily. That's really it.

    4.) I sometimes use Facebook and Snapchat. But my real passions are MySpace and


  11. 1. I believe Twitch is the best social media out there. I’ll only like Twitch since I stream so much. is the link ; D. I don’t really like other social media except Twitter for updates. Facebook is garbonzo beans. Same ol’ Same ol’.

    2. The biggest downside to all social media is……… How annoying people can be and how they try to get attention. Privacy breach is pretty bad. I would never want it to happen but that’s why I never go on it and post except for saying that I’m streaming.

    3. Social media rocks.. It get’s you famous… It makes life interesting to check other events out that people have already done.

    4. I engage in with Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s more of a everyday thing that I go on and use.

  12. 1. I think that a few social media sites that have pretty unique features and most everyone uses are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. I actually dislike most social media since it seems almost like it discourages actual face to face conversations and other interactions, but not more than video games do. I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve never like Twitter probably because all of my classmates tend to waste their time using that or Facebook. Though I do like social media in general since it can help people become more social even if it is not face to face.

    2. In the article, “Are Social Networking Sites Good for our Society” there was a problem they listed about social media that I wholeheartedly agreed with. They said that social media is one of the biggest time wasters and said 40% of people spend 54 minutes on social media per day. Plus people tend to get off task when they use social media as said in the article this can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. So there is a large problem with students and even older people wasting time on different activities within social media.

    3. Though one good thing I agreed with in that article was how social media can improve someone’s quality of life. It can improve their satisfaction by allowing them to have better conversations and fix their issues that could involve social anxiety. Having a large social group can help with many problems and cause people to be healthier. These people may help them with dieting, exercise, goals, satisfaction, etc.

    4. I mainly use YouTube, but I only really use it to watch videos and not engage in conversation with someone in a comment section because that can get out of hand real quick. I use YouTube at least twice a day for maybe 50 minutes or so. Usually I decide to go do something else after a while though.

  13. 1. The social medias that I find cool are diffidently Youtube and Twitter. What I like about social media you can talk and meet people from different people. With Youtube you can also find people who are really entertaining. The only thing that bothers me about social media is how long people are on it. I have friends on Facebook that are always on.

    2. I think the worse part about social media is the spread of misinformation. Countless times I have looked on twitter and got excited about something only to find out it was fake. Social media has also caused information that is devastating for example when someone said the scientists at Caltech predicted a huge earthquake. This rumor caused many people to be scared and for them to flood the police with phone calls. This spread of misinformation happens a lot on twitter and even facebook. In my opinion that is the worst part of social media.

    3. The best part about social media is the fact you can meet people that are from all over the world. Without social media you could never meet someone canada or a different state. The power of social media has brought people together that would never meet in real life.

    4. I use social media every single day. The types of social media I use often is Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram. I think i spend a lot of time every day watching youtube videos and going twitter. I’ll look at twitter every 1 to 2 hours and I think I watch around 15 youtube videos a day.

  14. 1.The social media that are popular is Facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, and tumblr. The social media that has a unique feature is facebook that has like, sad, angry, and laugh. Social media is not something that I dislike or like but it is something that is nice to have around.

    2.The bad thing about social media is cyber bullying; spreading rumors, and Social media is immediate and needs daily monitoring. Not having a clear marketing or social media strategy may result in reduced benefits for your business is some of the downsides.

    3.The good thing about social media is that you stay connect to friends and family. Social media spreads word thought the Internet fast and bring people that have the same interest together this are some of the attribute.

    4.The social media that I engage in is facebook, instagram, and snapchat and almost im on them almost every day

  15. 1. Out of all the main steam technologies of today, Social media is one of the very few parts of the modern tech age I don't like. New or old, I hate the over saturation of social media in today's world, There are more social media services then there needs to be. First of all, I can respect what the early social media sites did and at the time they were a revolutionary way to share information that was different and more convenient ,in some ways, to email. But today they are used in pointless and self harmful ways that are affecting our social lives negatively.

    2. Social media is suppressing our physical social lives. Everyone has that one person you know who does everything while being on there phone, and it's easy to spot people every day using their phone instead of taking.

    3. A good thing social media has done is help people further connect with people, beyond emails and phone calls.

    4. The closest thing to social media I use is Youtube, but I don't really have an account, nor do I use it for anything other than watch entertainment similarly to how you use a TV.

  16. 1. My favorite social media sites are Reddit and Instagram. Reddit is great because it has tons of smaller communities but is also kind of like one big community at the same time, which I think is awesome. Instagram is great for me because I love taking pictures. One of the pros of social media which I found on the “Pros and Cons of Social Media” article is that essentially when you’re posting pictures and stuff and getting followers, it’s essentially growing your business or your own brand even, which is why I love posting my photography so maybe if I wanted to start doing paid shoots or whatever I could possibly turn it into a job.

    2. A downside to social media is that pretty much anything you post on there has the possibility to stay with you and haunt you forever. If you say one bad thing, have a bad day and say something negative, or anything else that you wouldn’t want people in the future to see about you, it could affect you in the future. Even getting a job, companies could look at what you’ve done on social media in the past and say “I don’t want them for my job, they said this on social media.”

    3. A positive thing about social media is that it can help you find new friends, old friends, and current friends, and also help you stay up to date on news events, what other people are doing, or other things. For instance, if you had a friend from a long time ago from highschool or college or whatever, they might be a friend of a friend and you find them and talk to them again. Or you can talk to your current friends and stay up to date with them, or also find new friends to hang out with.

    4. I use Instagram and Reddit all the time. I pretty much post at least once a day on Instagram, and I like to browse Reddit when I’m bored and doing nothing else. Reddit is great because it helps me find new things that I’d never seen or heard of before, and I can pretty much find any important news there as soon as it happens because it will be on the top of the front page. I also watch Youtube videos often and sometimes Twitch streams, but I don’t really count those as social media because I never really comment on any videos or anything.

  17. My favorite social media sites are Snapchat and Instagram. The reason I like these apps/sites is because it helps people stay connected with others by viewing pictures or messages including what there doing. I like Instagram because you can meet new people as well as easily view what there doing. For example, for people that make videos or have fans tell you what there up to next. I generally like social media because I can stay connected with a lot of people easily. Although, I wouldn't mind at all if social media was removed or banned, I like it but I don't care for it.

    2. Some of the bad things of social media can include worse academic grades, less face to face communication, false news and misinformation. People over the internet and on social media can make fake accounts easily and use these accounts to manipulate other peoples minds. Using photos found on the internet or making up stories so people feel bad for you is an example of something bad on social media.

    3. There are a lot of good things about social media, hence the reason why social media is so popular. Social media is a big help towards connecting with friends and staying in touch with them without visiting them or calling/texting them all the time. Social media is a big help to people that use it correctly, an example of using social media correctly is posting pictures of scenery that your visiting or chatting with friends.

    4. Some of the social media I engage in are Snapchat, Instagram, and Youtube (if youtube is considered a social media site). I use snapchat to send pictures to friends and to view pictures they send, as well as text them through the app. I use Instagram mainly to look at any type of pictures or videos when bored.

  18. 1. The "10 PROS AND CONS OF SOCIAL MEDIA" is the site I used to get my list, and I have to agree with a lot of these. Crime has been exponentially easier to persecute since everyone have some sort of social media account.

    2. Snapchat recently got its update where you can video chat or call other users. Apps like this are starting to all look and act the same. It used to be "send pictures to your friends as a message!" on Snapchat, but now other applications are trying to do the same thing. There is no individuality or uniqueness anymore.

    3. The older generation is always like "why don't these teens get off their phones?" and to that I say, yeah, thats partially true. People always assume you're texting or tweeting to your friends, but sometimes there is an actually connection going on. I Skype with my friends a lot, and Snapchat my sister because she lives out of the house.

    4. The only places i go on actively are Snapchat, Kik, and Youtube. Asking me how often I am on these three is not an answer you wanna hear. They are all basically my entire life and all I do in my spare time. Heck, I don't even hang out with other people except for maybe three people. I do have all of the other stuff too, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but I guess I just have them to have them?

  19. 1. I treat social media like the dessert of the internet: Enjoyable, good in small doses, addicting, and easy to over consume. While I love getting music from Youtube, and enjoy seeing fan art and comedy from Tumblr, there is an underlying and uneasy sense that the social media is trying to get you addicted. I have no problem with responsibly used social media, just as I have no problems with eating dessert now and then, but social media or dessert constantly becomes a problem that I do find an issue with.

    2. Social media is rapidly growing as a replacement for human contact, and this is resulting in more people who have no clue how to react to real-world stimuli, without the protective bubble of the internet. I have seen children who are silent and un-reactive, much less willing to run around and form mental connections and grow, and more content to spend every waking hour possible on Minecraft, or some other digital world. While moderate uses of social media is fine, excessive use of technology hinders growth. The other danger of wide-spread social media use is that kids are more rapidly learning about adult topics and subject matter without the maturity to understand or handle the information well. I have little cousins who are six who already know what the Five Nights at Freddy's series is, despite featuring murder and maiming. When social media becomes widespread, children become exposed to dark material, and become disconnected with the actual horrors of these events.

    3. Social media can be used by companies searching for work in places like LinkedIn, as stated on 10 Pros and Cons of Social Media. Criminals can also be caught easier, as facial recognition software from Facebook can help identify criminals from photographs, and tweeted reports of crimes have been used to stop criminals in the past.

    4. I normally only use Youtube and Tumblr, although I use Tumblr much less now. Normally I only use these on the weekends, and sparkly, but I do like MinutePhysics, Extra Credits, and a few other edutainment channels, as well as music and music videos.

  20. 1. I use only a few social medias. I use Instagram, YouTube, and for some reason, I think that Steam is a some sort of social media. Don't judge. There reall arn't many social medias that I dislike, but one I find annoying is

    2. Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes. Gangs use the sites to recruit younger members, coordinate violent crimes, and threaten other gangs. This is very bad because this means that possibly terrorist organizations like ISIS use social media to recruit new members.

    3. Social networking is good for the economy. Social media sites have created a new industry and thousands of jobs in addition to providing new income and sales. This is good because it means that more people will have more jobs.

    4. I use Instagram, Steam and YouTube. I engage in these way more often than I should to be honest with you.

  21. 1. I use only a few social medias. I use Instagram, YouTube, and for some reason, I think that Steam is a some sort of social media. Don't judge. There reall arn't many social medias that I dislike, but one I find annoying is

    2. Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes. Gangs use the sites to recruit younger members, coordinate violent crimes, and threaten other gangs. This is very bad because this means that possibly terrorist organizations like ISIS use social media to recruit new members.

    3. Social networking is good for the economy. Social media sites have created a new industry and thousands of jobs in addition to providing new income and sales. This is good because it means that more people will have more jobs.

    4. I use Instagram, Steam and YouTube. I engage in these way more often than I should to be honest with you.

  22. 1) I think Youtube is the most trending social media on internet as it now also have categories so search in certain types of things like gaming, music and many more. I think the new social media are waste of time (personal opinion) as I dont use any social media except Youtube. As to much obession with it can lower your grade and make you perform poor in school.

    2) Cons of social media are it is addicting and decreases your productivity, and as Zack said ISIS use twitter to recruit and they even have Twitter account...and thats a bad side of socical media as Twitter cant even remove their account.

    3) Social media if sometimes use correctly gives you correct news, and help you meet some new friends, and connects to your relatives.

    4) I dont use any social media except YT>

  23. 1. The social media that I use most right now is Facebook. I like Facebook because it allows you to make different groups of people come together. Most other social media sites are just individual or one on one communication, but Facebook allows groups of friends to all connect together. The main reason I ever get on Facebook at the moment is because me and about 15 other friends share a group chat, and we constantly use it to talk to each other and make plans for different hangouts. Another social media site I like a lot is snapchat. I do not have snapchat because I still have a flip phone, but a lot of my friends have snapchat, and it is super fun. It is cool to be able to send your friends instant pictures of what you are doing, and some of the filters they have are cool too, such as the faceswap filter.
    2. The downside of social media is the decrease in face to face contact. Social media may allow you to connect with friends, but not face to face talking. This causes humans to lose a lot of social skills that are gained through face to face communication. A lot of people can use social media for negative reasons too, such as cyber bullying. It way too easy for a person to make a random account so nobody knows who they are, and start saying incredibly mean things to someone they dislike. I have never had any personal experiences with it, but I know it happens all the time.
    3. A positive thing about social media is that it can help you find new friends, old friends, and current friends, and also help you stay up to date on news events, what other people are doing, or other things. For instance, if you had a friend from a long time ago from highschool or college or whatever, they might be a friend of a friend and you find them and talk to them again. Or you can talk to your current friends and stay up to date with them, or also find new friends to hang out with.
    4. I use Instagram and Reddit all the time. I pretty much post at least once a day on Instagram, and I like to browse Reddit when I’m bored and doing nothing else. Reddit is great because it helps me find new things that I’d never seen or heard of before, and I can pretty much find any important news there as soon as it happens because it will be on the top of the front page. I also watch Youtube videos often and sometimes Twitch streams, but I don’t really count those as social media because I never really comment on any videos or anything.

  24. 1. In general, I would say that I like social media. It is a great outlet for ideas as well as a way for people to stay in touch with their friends, their community, and the world. I would argue that a large portion of the problems present within social media come as a result of people simply not thinking before they type or post. Social media provides an outlet for people to stay in touch with old friends, or even make new contacts and opportunities for themselves. Many people argue that social media is preventing real social interaction as people prefer to be behind the screen rather than in person (“Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?”). However, I would argue that this is not the case. Social media facilitates more social interaction than it deters. It has made it infinitely easier to make plans between friends or even between a boss and potential employee. The social media that I believe to be the most unique currently is Snapchat. They’ve taken the key aspects of various other media platforms and transformed them into their own. From Instagram, they learned that people like photos a lot more than they like reading. From Twitter, they learned that people are interested in trending topics. From Facebook, they learned that people like to be able to chat individually in private while also having a profile (or story) that is available for all their friends to see. They also took elements of Skype and Facetime by including the live video chat feature. Snapchat has taken all these pieces and made them into something unique.

    2. One downside of social media is its potential to spread false information. This becomes a danger to anyone who sees that information and interprets it to be the truth. For example, just think about how many celebrity death hoaxes there have been in the past year alone. Someone starts a rumor and shares it with a few friends. Those friends then share it with others, and the effects are exponential. I like to think of it like the movie WarGames. The computer says that there is an imminent nuclear war and that warheads are being launched. When in reality, there is really no threat. Social media allows people to share rumors without any need for evidence. For articles, or news outlets, they have to have sources. Your Aunt Janet doesn’t have to cite any sources when she declares that the world is going to end on Wednesday because she had a dream about it. False information.

    3. One benefit of social media is that it is a great place for young people to get their start. Whether they are a musician, an entrepreneur, or an artist, social media is a great way for them to get their work out there. A musician can post their songs on YouTube or SoundCloud and gain a following. Before social media, that musician would have had to play multiple shows in front of hundreds of people to get the same amount of publicity. The same situation goes for artists. In the past, the artist would have had to enter an art show or send their work to papers and magazines where they may (or may not) be published. Now, that artist can create a Facebook page, a DeviantArt account, or an Etsy shop to display and even sell their work. Entrepreneurs can make a business page, or a GoFundMe account. Think about how much easier it would be to advertize your lemonade stand to the thousands of Facebook users rather than just anyone who happens to drive by it. Social media is exposure for these aspiring businesspeople.

    4. I check social media at least once a day. I have a Facebook account, a Snapchat, an Instagram account, a Skype account, a Twitch account, a Steam account, and a YouTube account. I generally engage in some of them more than others. For example, I am on YouTube more than once a day while I am rarely present on Instagram.

  25. 1. The social media that I use right now are Facebook for family and friends and twitter just to see what other people are doing. I also use YouTube pretty much everyday since I think it's pretty fun. I'm not too big on things like Instagram and Snapchat though since I haven't really looked into them. In general I like social media and I think it's pretty great. Of course a lot of people and websites would argue that social media is a terrible thing because people will have lower scores in schools and people can get mad at what other people may say about them. Also people say that they are terrible because people can hack the social media's and can send information about you to whoever they want. Now I like social media's because it's a good may tom communicate to your frineds and even complete strangers. It has a lot of opportunities to make friends and you get to see what's going on in the world right now. The people that say all of this bad stuff about social media's fail to see the bigger picture. You shouldn't send someone something over social media if you think they might get hacked. Just send it in a text message or tell the person yourself. The reality is that people that may have lower grades because they're on social media all the time could easily be distracted by anything else in the world. They just happen to want to be on social media. They could just do something else instead of homework or studying. What are you going to do, take away everything in the world?
    2. One downside to social media is that a lot of people don't watch the news anymore. Instead people will just go onto social media and they can probably see it there. When this happens news broadcasts can get shutdown since not enough people watch their news and some people can lose their jobs. However this happens everywhere and maybe social media should replace news producers since with social media everyone is involved; Not just a couple of people.
    3. Basically social media is just what it sounds like: social media. You are able to share whatever you like to whoever you like. Social media is a way for people to say whatever they like to anybody which is a great way for people to create new relationships. This way just sound like any other thing in life but it's actually much more than that. This is a way to build a community with the entire world. Social media is what you make of it, not the other way around.
    4. The social media I use are Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I use YouTube and Twitter a couple of times everyday. I'm on twitter for about 30 minutes to an hour every day and i'm on YouTube about 3 hours ever day. I'm on Facebook about one a week for half an hour so not very often.

  26. 1. Of all of the social media out there, the only one that I have really used is Facebook. This is mainly because I just do not get into social media. I do not necessarily like or dislike it; I just do not really care about social media. The only kind that really interests me now are the kind that help me talk with friends, but I can just text them. In the article that I read, titled “10 pros and cons of social media”, it made a point I did not realize. Students apparently do better in school because of social media, since they can share and communicate about topics in school. I feel like I have not seen this much, but that is probably due to my lack of social media. It also mentioned that tons of people get their news on social media, which I just would not trust since anyone can really post “news”. I would look into it, at the very least if I got my news from social media.

    2. One downside of social media is that it creates a barrier between close relationships. As stated in the article titled “Social Networking”, social media creates less face to face time between people. While this may seem fine, it is not. People are at the point where they will be on social media when around family, rather than be talking to their family or friends around them. This distances the people, making them more isolated and introverts. People need to be able to interact with others without the use of social media. It is just a human skill that one cannot survive and be helped without.

    3. One attribute of social media that is that it gives law enforcement the ability to catch criminals in an easier way. As stated in both articles above, law enforcement actually use sites like Twitter and Facebook in order to help prosecute criminals. People will threaten and harass people online through social media, and the cops can actually take this as evidence since the websites sort of keep the messages as records in a way. I think this is so cool because it can also give people the power to help criminals get caught. They do not just have to leave it up to the law enforcement.

    4. The only social media that I engage in really is Facebook. I do not have an Instagram, or Snapchat, or anything else that is new. I just do not find going onto social media entertaining or useful at all. I only check my Facebook once a month at most, and I do not even do anything on it when I do. I do have a Twitter, but I have just used it to try and win beta codes for games that I play. I also go on Reddit occasionally, but just to read funny stuff people come up with every once in a while. I never post anything on any of the sites or message anyone.

  27. 1)i really like snapchat and instagram on snapchat you can send all these cool filters and you can see what other people are doing if u put it on your story. i lreally like social media

    2) on the downside of this is that there a lot of bad people on social media and the fact that the government is practicality watching us through social media

    3) one good thing about social media is that its social and you can stay in touch with your friends i talk to my old friends from my old school sunrise i miss them alot but i get to talk to them because theres social media

    4) i use kik, snapchat, Instagram, pintrist, tumbler, twitter, vine, and Facebook i dont really like going on facebook anymore its just not that cool the most time i spend is on snapchat its so fun to use

  28. 1. Right now tumblr,instagram and pinterest are blowing up other ones are too but not as popular, facebook is basically becoming a myspace or AOL. I like the idea of social media but it can be sometimes so time taking, it can separate us so often sometimes that it's kind of uncool being right next to someone and all they can say is lol over the phone.

    2. Social media as a whole has grabbed our attention to the real world to the digital and can cause people to be into trouble. It has caused separation from each other and most people have no social life in person

    3. You see with the disconnected of the real world, there is a strong connection to the digital where we can talk to people thousands of miles away from us and still talk instantly, the news is more immediate and and history/knowledge is easier to access.

    4. Usually facebook is my usual engagement in social media.

  29. 1. The social media website I use most frequently would be Facebook, and twitter they are really simple and there is a lot of people on those sites Its a good way to connect with family memebers and stuff, I use twitters for following youtubers I like. I don't like tumblr its not really my cup of tea.

    2.Some cons of social media is unreliable or false information being easy to spread around and also it can be addicting to some people, it makes certain people less productive.

    3.If you don't know somebodies number you can just type in there name and you can just private message them or direct message them. It is a good way to keep up with your favorite celebrities. You can get news follow or friend people who like the same things you like.

    4.Facebook and twitter I use facebook like five minutes a month but on twitter like an hour a month I like checking twitter everyday Youtube like 50 hours a week maybe.

  30. 1. I feel that Facebook is a good app because that where I mostly socialise more with my friends like I used messenger to send texts to my friends. But I really don’t like to use facebook because I see lots of people get their profile hack and they steal their own picture and their Identity. So sometimes I think I might get hack but the chances are rare.

    2. A downside of social media would have to be cyberbullying, seeing face to face cause. Plus it’s the easiest to get bully and some people might want to demanded you on getting your profile or I am going to hack you or some other mean things and I don’t like social but i doesnt mean I don’t dislike it it’s just not safe to used.

    3. I good side of social media would have to be getting in touch with your friend’s to able to help with your homework or evening in college for an example if you are doing a hard project and don’t know what to do well you can use social media to get from your friend’s to help you but don’t cheat unless you want a bad grade in your class.

    4. I engagement on social media as little as soon as possible because I don’t want to get the chance to get hack or someone stealing my stuff which is privacy and that would be bad for me cause they can get someone friend and start to cyber bullying me.

  31. 1. I generally don’t use much social media in the traditional sense(ie Facebook, Twitter), though I participate frequently on sites like Steam. The most interesting platform to me is Discord, which is an alternative to platforms like Skype or Teamspeak that is meant solely for gaming. It allows you to form your own server and voice chat rooms with your friends as well as telling you what your friends are playing at the time.

    2. A downside to social media is its tendency to become the lives of people addicted to it. To some people, social media is the only way they can socialize. They have difficulty maintaining actual physical relationships with those around them.

    3. An upside to social media is the ease of connectivity to long lost friends. Friends you have not seen in years or, if you are older, even decades you can quickly connect back with easily.

    4. I use Steam nearly everyday and also participate in the Playstation Network, Xbox Live as well as the aforementioned Discord.

  32. 1. I generally don’t use much social media in the traditional sense(ie Facebook, Twitter), though I participate frequently on sites like Steam. The most interesting platform to me is Discord, which is an alternative to platforms like Skype or Teamspeak that is meant solely for gaming. It allows you to form your own server and voice chat rooms with your friends as well as telling you what your friends are playing at the time.

    2. A downside to social media is its tendency to become the lives of people addicted to it. To some people, social media is the only way they can socialize. They have difficulty maintaining actual physical relationships with those around them.

    3. An upside to social media is the ease of connectivity to long lost friends. Friends you have not seen in years or, if you are older, even decades you can quickly connect back with easily.

    4. I use Steam nearly everyday and also participate in the Playstation Network, Xbox Live as well as the aforementioned Discord.

  33. 1. What I read on tells me that there are dozens of ways social media an be good and dozens of ways it can be bad. I personally really enjoy Reddit, some things about Instagram, and Vosco. I personally like Vosco because it does not show or have comments, likes, or give you the ability to view how many followers another user has, or who they are. Reddit is nice because most of the people on there are capable of doing good things(such as blowing up small youtube channels and working on stopping problems like cancerous racist people on youtube), are good at making me laugh, and can bring out the good things on the internet. I personally hate most social media though such as snapchat, parts of instagram, twitter, facebook, etc. because they are popularity contests and are starters for drama and such. Even the article I read states that they can spread false info, provide for easy cyber bullying, consume user time, ruin offline relationships, and even tie into poor grades, along with much more.

    2. The thing that I by far hate the most about social media is that it is contributing to the corruption of society. Now it is all some people seem to care about. You look at most social media accounts and people have hundreds, sometimes thousands of uploads. On instagram its all selfies and cancerous memes, pointless brain rotting tumor inducing garbage. Social media is part of why a fraction of the future of society will turn into cave dwelling idiots that don't contribute to or touch on anything that is actually important.

    3. Now I am not trying to say that all social media platforms are doing this, nor am I saying that all social media users are guilty of this. Some users can use social media to their advantage and do some good, as said in the article I read. What social media was created for was to be a fun way to share parts of our life with your friends and family, and show things you have found to them, and to some extent people still use social media for this, and even better things as well. Some use it as a way to make new friends and form new relationships, spread important news, ask for attention to be directed towards bigger potential problems, and even find jobs and connect society and benefit the economy. More is said about this in the article. Overall my Opinion is that social media is capable of both bad and good, and both do occur, but people should try to tone things down a bit.

    4. I really only engage in the social media platforms I mentioned before, instagram, Vosco, and Reddit, and also youtube. I Don't access them to often though, instagram once or twice a month, vosco about once a week, youtube once a day, and reddit whenever it seems like something is going on worth checking(which isn't too often).

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. 1. Snapchat is always coming out with new filters so there is always something new. To me social media i feel like i need it to keep up with my friends and news. And whenever i am bored i go on and tell people what i did today

    2. Social media can also be bad. There are bullies on the web and it makes you less social irl because all you want to do is text people and not talk to them. On “” they make some really good points regarding identity theft and security attacks.

    3. Some things about social media is that you can improve and build new relationships. Another pro about social media is that law enforcement is using it to catch and prosecute criminals. 67% of Federal, State, and Local law professionals say that social media has improved and helped solve more crime.

    4. I visit instagram throughout the day. I like to keep up with what is going on. My friends like to talk and chat with me on instagram.

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